How Rare & Beautiful it is to even exist.
I start every blog I've ever tried to start writing about how I'm transparent which if I'm doing a blog...Duh. I've also stopped and started so many blogs it's ridiculous, I over share, I over post, and it's just who I am take it or leave it.
I've been encouraged by many therapists, doctors, some friends and family, and random strangers on the internet that I should write things down, journal etc. So I decided to start a new one but one that I can share. I also have a few who are like Nope! don't wanna see that - and that's okay too. So here's your warning, this post later on will be graphic. It will contain images that are hard for some people to see that don't enjoy seeing the inside of a human. However research and other peoples stories are what got me through my stuff so I'm hoping to answer people who have asked questions, and have one source to direct them to. It also apparently will be helpful to my mental health. Which by the end of this and the following updates I make you will see is hanging by a thread some days.
So I will preface this with saying I have been through a lot of stuff and I'm just here to talk about mine. I know that there are people who go through long term illnesses and people who go through different kinds of issues and I fully respect, support, and feel for that. I couldn't stop thinking about how I felt for people who had to go through these things everyday for their whole lives. I'm not saying I'm any extra special but I will say it's just taken it's toll on me personally and everyone's journey is their own.
5 Years ago up until shortly before I met F I was healing from Abuse, Separating with my Husband of 7 years, The Loss of my unborn Child, Sexual Assault, Giving into far too many worldly vices of coping, Being cheated on (twice), and a few other forms of rejection. I worked like hell those years in between to fight the sadness, depression, anxiety, pain, physical healing, and more by pouring myself into health and exercise, and reading, and crying, and dancing and going out and far far too many selfies. When I met F I was at the best place I had ever been in my life. I was healing, I was in love with myself, I felt connected to my friends and family in a healthy way things were just so good. F was the icing...the sweet sweet icing to my cake! Our love started quick and fast. We just knew it was like all great love movies and we literally were that in every bit of the term. Still are I sometimes stand there thinking if people saw this in real life (in our intimate moments) they'd be like you two make me sick! haha I never believed in romance movies I feel they're unrealistic but ours really is so special.
A month into dating we had the discussion of you want kids well I have PCOS with my ex it took us 5 years so I don't know how long this will take, and given my age...We didn't hesitate out comes the IUD and in comes our sweet baby a month later. One month- wow that took us by surprise. I thought I'd at least have a summer to make sure I really really love this guy :P (I'm kidding). We were tested like all couples are but we honestly didn't know the tests that were to come. The storms we'd truly have to whether. I think that it would make or break any couple. First we were nervous about down syndrome. We received results that looked like she could but then after some careful research weren't so worried about her odds. Relieving as it was my pregnancy was anything but easy. I was sick so much, I couldn't eat so many things, It was miserable and the most beautiful. Baby S was growing quickly and they kept thinking I had gestational diabetes but all of my tests always came back negative. Finally at 32 weeks my doctor wanted one more test and sure enough I had it. Just by a hair. My fasting glucose was just .2 over. So then I spent the last couple of weeks in so many appointments it made my head spin. If you're not pregnant and want to be just know you'll be in appointment after appointment I feel like no one prepared me for how many.
February 16th came along and my dr wanted baby S out. C section became the plan for the day and off we went to surgery. The most terrified I have been in my entire life. I shook so badly on the table the nurse was hugging me so tightly. I love nurses, I think they saved my life truly Angels! out came baby S and I barely remember it I was so out of it. The rest of that time was a blur because I felt so sick but goodness she was beautiful and nothing will change how she made me feel. It's indescribable. Like suddenly the world was just better.
Within that time F mental health took a huge dip. He wasn't doing good and that made me fight like hell to get better for him and for S. He was in therapy, I was in therapy at the hospital, He was being full time Dad. It was just a mess. We were released when Quarantine began for Covid. So we left one isolation to sit in another. Anything felt better than the hospital room but we weren't prepared for shut down like some people had time to prepare with food and groceries our lives were mayhem because we just had a baby. I was still on a wound vac and would be until this wound healed from the inside out so the only people in were nurses to do those changes and from home you don't have opiods to get you through. It was hard and painful every damn time I had to take my brain somewhere else. But slowly but surely it started to heal and by the middle of June in a place where F could finish my wound alone and shortly after it closed.
Hi Jennifer I just read your story and my name is Sherri. I can relate to your story so much, I'm so sorry you going through this. It's weirdly nice not to feel so alone while still being alone. Thanks for sharing.